Business Education Project Topics

Principal Management and Educational Reprocess and Students Performance in Business Studies

Principal Management and Educational Reprocess and Students Performance in Business Studies


Principal Management and Educational Reprocess and Students Performance in Business Studies

Content Structure of Principal Management and Educational Reprocess and Students Performance in Business Studies

The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations

  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire.

Chapter One Of Principal Management and Educational Reprocess and Students Performance in Business Studies


Background of the study


In recent times, education stakeholders have expressed their concern over the poor performance of students in business education at the school certificate examination. Some blamed the school administrators (principals) and the teachers while some blamed the students themselves and theparents. Whoever is to be blamed, the fact remains that, the school and its organizational management has correlation with the academic performance of the students. Leith (2004). The school principal who is the manager has a lot of roles to play in the academic achievement of the students. Ruth et all (1979) Wekessa (1997) Olagboye (2004) noted that to improve studentsโ€™ performance, principals or managers are required first to improve the management of the schools.

This can be done if the principal set a clear vision for the schools, exhibit instructional leadership, and also allow for team spirit in the school. Lack of vision in the management of school often lead to imbalance in the allocation of and use of resources. This is why Ayot and Briggs (1992) noted that academic achievement of students depends on effective leadership. The principal is the chief executive of the school. He has some administrative tasks to perform such as supervision of instructional programmes in the school, management of school personnel, management of school finance, maintenance of student welfare services and establishment of good community relations. His or her failure to perform these tasks effectively and efficiently will affect the tone of the school and achievement of academic goals.(Nwankwo 1982 and Peretomode 1991). In the discharge of these tasks, the manager is expected to plan, control, organize, coordinate and direct human and non-human resources in the organization in order to achieve the goals of the organization.(Adeleke 2001 and Onifade 2004) Nigeria education system is largely examination oriented. Hence poor performance of students in examination is always attributed to the school administration where the principal is at the helm of affairs.

The poor performance of students in business studies had been largely attributed to poor management of the principals. It appears that most principals fail to monitor, and disseminate current information on educational issues and modern teaching techniques to teachers in the schools. This has been a source of concern to the government and education stakeholders. Observation shows that most schools both in rural and urban are not well equipped of learning materials, enough teachers, computers were not available which could have prepared the students for electronic examination in future Even in some urban schools where computers were available the epileptic supply of electricity has limited their use. A consideration of the above posed a challenge to the administrative effectiveness of the principal. The inability of some principals to encourage team spirit, among teachers, poor human relations with teachers and inconsistent classroom visitations are all hindrance to effective learning and teaching. A principal who properly exercises his or her leadership responsibility will enable his or her school to realize good academic achievement. This argues the fact that effective management of organization is a prime contributory factor in achievement (Chitiavi, 2002). Teachers are not exempted from the controversy on the poor performance of students in secondary school examinations. The poor attitude of teachers to teaching and lack of professional development contribute to poor academic performance of students. A critical look at the studentsโ€™ academic performances in business studies over the year show that much work is expected to be performed by principals and teachers in order to improve the level of academic performance in secondary schools in the state. It is against this background that this study investigated the role of principalโ€™s organizational management on academic achievement of students in secondary schools in Rivers States.

Statement of the general problem

Poor performance of students in business studies has persisted despite the fact secondary schools are assumed to be having well-qualified students from primary schools, trained and qualified principals. The reasons for poor performance cannot be easily discerned without focused investigation. This implies that much work is being expected to be performed by teachers and principals in order to improve the level of studentsโ€™ academic performance in secondary schools. This study therefore aimed at focusing on the role of principal who is at the helm of affairs of the school on academic achievement of the students in secondary school.

Aims and objectives of the study

The following are the aims and objectives for undertaking this study

  1. To know if principal management influences studentsโ€™ performance in business studies in ObioakporLGA
  2. To know if educational reprocess influences studentsโ€™ performance in business studies in ObioAkpor LGA
  3. To recommend ways of ensuring high studentsโ€™ performance in business studies in ObioAkpor LGA.

Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study.

  1. What are the principalsโ€™ organization skills that influenced academic achievement of the student?
  2. Which academic activities do the principal need to participate to help improve academic performance of student?
  3. Does educational reprocess influence studentsโ€™ performance in Business studies?

Research hypothesis

H0: principal management does not significantly influence studentsโ€™ academic performance in business studies.
H1:principal management significantly influences studentsโ€™ academic performance in business studies.

Significance of the study

This study would be useful to secondary school managements in ensuring improved academic performance across the secondary schools in the local government. This study would be useful to the state ministry of education i9n ensuring the admission of quality teachers which should enhance the academic performance of students in business studies. This study would be useful to stakeholders in education.

Scope of the study

This study is on principal management and educational reprocess and studentsโ€™ performance in business studies in obio/akporlga of rivers state.

Limitation of the study

Financial constraint– Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint– The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

Definition of terms

  1. Business studies: the study of economics and management, especially as an educational topic.
  2. Reprocess: to treat or prepare (something) by a special method again
  3. Management: the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.

Adeleke, A. (2001). Management Concepts and Applications Lagos: Concept Publication Limited.
Adeyemi , T.O. (2008). Organizational Climate and teachersโ€™ job performance in primary schools in Ondo State, Nigeria. An analytical survey. Asian Journal of Information Technology 7(4) 138-145 Medwell online Publications: Pakistan.
Adeyemi T.O. (2009). The effective management of primary schools in Ekiti State. Nigeria an analytical assessment. Education Research and Reviews (ERR) 4(2) 048-056. Nairobi: Academic Journals. Kenya.
Ayeni, A.J. (2010). Teachersโ€™ instructional task performance and principalsโ€™ supervisory roles as correlates of quality assurance in secondary schools in Ondo State. Doctoral Dissertation, ObafemiAwolowo University, Ile-Ife Nigeria.
Ayot H.O & H. Briggs (1992) Economics of Education, Nairobi: Educational Research and publications.
Chitiavi M.J. (2002). Guidance and Counseling series โ€“ School Administration, Nairobi: Kenya Federal Government of Nigeria (2004) National Policy on Education. 3rd Edition Lagos: Federal Ministry of Education NERDC 7-21.
Franenkel R.J. and E.N. Wallen, (1993). How to Design and Evaluate Research, 4th Edition:, Illinois, F.E., Peacock Publisher, Inc.

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