How To

How To Borrow Airtime From Airtel

how to borrow money from airtel


As one of the major telecommunications companies in Nigeria, Airtel offers various services to its subscribers, one of which is the ability to borrow airtime. This service comes in handy when you run out of airtime and need to make an urgent call or send a text message. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to borrow airtime from Airtel.

How To Be Eligible For Airtel Extra Credit

Before attempting to borrow airtime, it’s essential to determine if you are eligible for the service. Airtel has specific criteria for borrowing airtime, such as;

  • Having an active SIM card for a specific period
  • Not having a pending loan
  • Recharging a minimum of N250 in a month.
  • Maintaining a certain level of usage and recharge history.
  • Know the code for borrowing from Airtel.

To check if you’re eligible, dial *500# on your Airtel line and follow the instructions provided.

How To Borrow Airtime From Airtel

Follow the steps below to borrow airtime from Airtel;


Step 1: Dial the Borrowing Code

Once you have confirmed your eligibility, borrowing airtime from Airtel is an easy process. Simply dial *500*Amount# on your Airtel line. For example, if you want to borrow NGN 100 worth of airtime, you would dial *500*100#

Step 2: Select the Preferred Airtime Amount

After dialing the borrowing code, Airtel will present you with a list of available airtime amounts that you can borrow. These amounts usually vary based on your usage history and the criteria set by Airtel. Select the desired amount by following the instructions shown.

Step 4: Confirm the Borrowing Request

After selecting the preferred airtime amount, Airtel will request your confirmation to continue with the borrowing process. You may be charged a service fee for borrowing the airtime, which will be deducted from the borrowed amount when you recharge.

Step 5: Receive Borrowed Airtime:

Once your borrowing request is approved, the borrowed airtime will be credited to your Airtel line. You can now use it to make calls, send messages, or access data services as needed.

How To Repay Airtime Borrowed From Airtel

It’s important to note that borrowed airtime isn’t entirely free. Airtel will deduct a service fee from your next recharge to repay the borrowed amount.

The service fee amount depends heavily on the borrowed airtime, which is usually deducted along with the borrowed amount when you recharge your line. Ensure you have enough credit on your line to cover the borrowed amount and service fee; this way, you can borrow airtime next time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to borrow airtime from Airtel in Nigeria

Simply dial *500*Amount# and send using your Airtel phone number. Ensure you are eligible for it by not owing Airtel and being an active user.

How to borrow airtime?

This depends on the telecommunication network you are utilizing. For Airtel, you have to dial *500*Amount# simply.

How can I borrow using Airtel?

You can borrow data and extra credit from Airtel. For airtime, *500*Amount# is the code, while *222# while you follow the prompts is for a loan.


Borrowing airtime from Airtel provides a convenient option to stay connected even when you run out of credit. Remember to check your eligibility, select the desired amount, and understand the repayment terms before borrowing airtime. Stay connected with Airtel for extra credit!

Feel free to ask questions in the comments section.



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