Business Administration Project Topics

The Impact of Training on Workers’ Performance (a Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria

The Impact of Training on Workers’ Performance (a Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria


The Impact of Training on Workers’ Performance (a Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria

Content Structure of The Impact of Training on Workers’ Performance (a Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria

The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations

  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire. 

Introduction Of The Impact of Training on Workers’ Performance (a Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria

The effectiveness in realization of an organization’s set goals and objectives is within the framework in which it was set up.  Human and material resources in every organization should not be over-emphasized, and therefore, must be harnessed and oriented for the achievement of the set goals and objectives.  It is true that material resources form an integral part of the desired goal but human resource is more important in the sense that they help in achieving organizational goals and objectives in an effective and efficient manner, this need arises as a results of the need for the improvement in job performance.  And this method depends on the type in which the organization adopts to achieve her goals.
The success of an organization is determined by the quality of its labour force, since the labour determines the output of the organization by the labour-inputs.  Human resources can be improved through a graded and systematic process of development that includes education, training and the appropriate motivation.
Training:  This can be described as a short-term systematic process through which an employee acquires technical knowledge, skill and attitude required to perform a specific task or job adequately.  Worker must be trained and developed in order to get the best from them and this also, has to be a continuous bases and in various fields.
Ubeku emphasized the importance of training in the organization in the following words: “money spent on training and development of employee in an organization is money well invested.  Employees who have received adequate training before being assigned with responsibilities have the necessary confidence with which to carry out the job”.
At the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Nigeria Employers Consultative Association in December, 1970, Chief Anthony Enahoro the then Federal Commissioner for Labour, commenting on the role of employers in training their employees asserted that: “the development of human resources cannot be entirely the concern of our nation’s educational institutions, it is also the responsibility of other institutions capable of performing training functions.
Every enterprise, whether public or private, necessarily does considerable on-the-job, some of which is organized and some haphazard and incidental.  If employers display greater readiness than many of them do to invest in training, we can hope more rapidly to supplement the work of educational and other training institutions”.
An employee should be helped to grow into more responsibilities by systematic training and development.  It is only through this process that an employee feels confidence to carry out the responsibilities of the job because he knows already what is expected of him.  Training of employees can help to improve the performance of the organization thereby improving the overall performance of the organization.  It is in view of this, that the study wants to look at the impart of training on the performance of workers in the organization by using some selected federal establishment in Benin City as a case study.

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One of the problems of the most modern organizations is that favourable fluctuation in the performance of workers and this can be attributed to the dynamics of organization due to new knowledge and technology.
In any organization, training needs shows itself in various ways, new employees must be instructed in their duties, poor selection may necessitate specialized training efforts; individual employees who cannot perform certain aspects of their task must be made equal to those tasks; completed change of work methods as a result of change in technology, all these can necessitate the need for training.
Employers cannot avoid cost, without proper training errors and misunderstanding arise.  And stealing trained employees from competitors is a costly practice, which can work both ways.
Training can affect the performance of the workers; this is because training entails the acquisition of new skills, with the new skill acquire in the course of training, workers will be able to adapt themselves to the dynamics of the organization.
In view of this, the study wants to look at the impact of training on workers’ performance by using some selected federal establishments in Benin City as a case study.


This study hopes to achieve the following objectives:

  • To look at the impact of training on workers’ performance in organization.
  • To look at the various strategies of training in organizations.
  • To identify the various ways of evaluating programmes in organizations.
  • To find out the problems associated with the training of workers in organizations and suggest solutions to such problems by way of recommendations.

To enhance people’s knowledge on training as an important phenomenon in the management of human resource in organizations



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