Accounting Project Topics

The Impact of Standard Costing on Profitability and Managerial Effectiveness of a Manufacturing Industry

The Impact of Standard Costing on Profitability and Managerial Effectiveness of a Manufacturing Industry


Overview of The Impact of Standard Costing on Profitability and Managerial Effectiveness of a Manufacturing Industry (a Case Study of Ferdinand Industries Limited, Urulla Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria)


Title page

Approval page




Table of contents



1.1              Brief Historical of the Case under study

1.2              Statement of the problem

1.3              Purpose of the study

1.4              Significance of the study

1.5              Scope of the study

1.6              Limitation of the study

1.7              Assumption of the study

1.8              Research Hypothesis

1.9              Definition of terms



2.1              Standard Costing and Overview

2.1.1        Characteristics of Standard Costing

2.1.2        Misconception of standard costing

2.1.3        Criticism of standard costing

2.1.4        Advantages of standard costing

2.1.5        Disadvantages of standard costing

2.2              Essential features of standard costing

2.2.1        Standard Cost Card

2.2.2        Type of Standard

2.2.3        Setting standard

2.2.4        Revision of Standard

2.3              Accounting Variance

2.4              Controllable and Uncontrollable Variance

2.5              Favourable and Unfavourable Variance

2.6              Areas Standard Costing helps in improving management efficiency



3.0              Design and Methodology

3.1       Selection of Data

3.1.1    Primary Data

3.1.2        Secondary Data

3.2              Collection of Data

3.3              Tools of data Analysis

3.4              Reliability of data


4.0              Data presentation and analysis

4.1       Presentation of data

4.2              Analysis of data

4.3              Testing Hypothesis

4.4              Interpretation of result


5.0              Summary of findings

5.1       Summaries of findings

5.2       Conclusion from the study

5.3              Recommendation






Abstract of The Impact of Standard Costing on Profitability and Managerial Effectiveness of a Manufacturing Industry (a Case Study of Ferdinand Industries Limited, Urulla Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria)

The impact of standard costing on profitability and managerial effectiveness of a manufacturing industry.  The standard cost reveals the goals, spur actions, and provide check or controls such that exceptional profit oriented goal performance can be achieved and on the reverse, adequate punishment to be exercised for bad performance.  Standard costs cause appraised to be made over production facilities and from management intentions and capabilities and is a first step in strength and weakness appraisal.

There also led to the preference of standard costing to other methods with the development of standard of standard costing system in 1920s, it was brought into the accounting system that total variances might be accumulated as well as detailed variances.

It is believed that standard costing helps management to plan for future, and if any justification is required for this project on the effects of standard costing on profitability’s and managerial effectiveness of a manufacturing industries.

Firstly, the financial management should penetrate into every cranny of the enterprise and indoctrinate all management in their working habits.  Secondly, cost should be given the maximum attention while emphasis on the effects.

Read Too:  The Implication of Foreign Exchange on Profitability of Firms

Finally, since revenue less cost gives balance profit, the profit should be increase as it is what industry is aiming at.

Chapter One of The Impact of Standard Costing on Profitability and Managerial Effectiveness of a Manufacturing Industry (a Case Study of Ferdinand Industries Limited, Urulla Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria)


The impact of standard costing on profitability and managerial effectiveness of a manufacturing industry.  The standard costing as a tool for either improves or not improving profitability and managerial effectiveness.  Unlike its contemporaries in the field of science, it deals with human beings and calculating significant information.  Standard costing as a long established concept is the management function of planning and control.  In effect, yardstick has been of vital importance for planning and control exercise. As a matter of facts, problems associated with production and earning a profit was recognized for many years before the concept of standard costing was invented.

One of the earlier attempt at costing was by James Dodson.  He showed how the books were kept by a shoemaker ranging from this period onwards, there was a steady development of costing developed in the time of our early scientific management proponents such as Fredrick W. Taylor, Henry Fayol and others.

These standards cost reveal goals, spur actions and efforts for effective management and equally provide checks such that exceptional profit oriented goal performance can be achieved and the reverse adequate punishment to be exercised for bad performance. Standard costs cause appraisal to be made over production facilities and form management intentions and capabilities and is a first step strength and weakness appraisal.  These led to the preference of standard costing to other method.  With the development of standard costing system in 1920s, it was brought into the accounting system such that total variances might be accumulated as well as detailed variances.  These steps gave rise to formal expression that significant costs were not actual and historical cost but standard or planning costs and their variances.


Ferdinand Industries Nigeria Ltd is a company used in this study.  This company is located at Urualla in Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State of Nigeria. It is a limited liability company incorporated in1975.  The management of industries is made up of:

(i)                Executive Directors



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