Business Administration Project Topics

The Effects of Manpower Development and Utilization in Indigenous Business Organizations in Asaba, Delta State





Nigeria, like most other developed nations, has seen its fair share of development issues. Simply put, manpower is the most important factor in any manufacturing operation. It brings together all other forces of development to provide products and services that benefit humanity.”The primary capital stock of any industrially advanced country is not its physical equipment,” according to Nwachukwu (1987), “rather; it is the body of information gathered from checked findings, observations, scientific study, and the ability and preparation of its population to use that expertise.” That is the only way to turn those tools to the needs and good of humanity. How well we learn and apply human resources determines how well we will go as a nation. The manpower in which we do so would also have a significant impact on the kind of country we become. ”

Every third-world country’s failure to reach complete industrialization can be traced back to issues with workforce growth and use. In Nigeria, the method of producing and exploiting manpower has been beset by various challenges, making it almost impossible for companies to operate satisfactorily. The field of manpower management, or the proper usage of labor, has often been plagued with serious issues. Since manpower usage is an important aspect of manpower growth, these issues can also be seen as manpower development issues.

Some scholars such as Ezeani (2002), identified problem areas for example; matching available expertise with successful demand for skills, Use of skills needed, common engagement in growth, and increased involvement in the economy by some potentially active groups in the community. In more industrialized economies, the occurrence of the above issues is very rare, in contrast to third-world nations, where there are elevated levels of unemployment, qualified workforce shortage due to emigration, and a slew of other issues stemming from inadequate manpower growth and use.

According to Ojo (1997), all of these issues are part of the roadblocks to industrialization that third-world countries face. When it comes to the organizational level, the issues are largely similar, with the scope differing only slightly. Organizational issues are far more limited in complexity than national issues. However, manpower is a vital element in indigenous organizations that allows them to flourish, making it much more important to cultivate and leverage manpower. To put it another way, the production and use of manpower is critical to the growth of indigenous organizations.


During this project, the researcher would look at the triggers of issues in a variety of indigenous businesses. Based on the results, solutions and recommendations will be provided on how to help alleviate these problems.


As a result of the above, it can be concluded that every organization’s development and competitiveness are heavily reliant on human performance. However, because of our society’s diverse existence, new inventions emerge on a regular basis, and existing ones become outdated. This is particularly valid for indigenous Nigerian organizations that must keep up with technological advancements on a daily basis.

Read Too:  Promotion of Small Scale Enterprises and Their Contribution to the Economic Growth of Nigeria

These organizations are having difficulty successfully developing personnel in order to keep up with the rapid speed of growth. The issue of maximizing the use of currently sufficient qualified and semi-skilled labor is also included here. Any of these factors influence employees’ desire to advance throughout their careers and, as a result, organizational efficiency. As economies progress economically and technologically, they grow increasingly susceptible to under-motivated employees and employers. As a result, societal priorities are shifting away from jobs as the most important thing in town and toward a more holistic vision of self-growth, family development, and job development. In a nutshell, companies’ failure to properly cultivate and leverage the human capital at their disposal has harmed their capacity to achieve their goals to a significant degree. This is the issue that this study is attempting to address.

This study seeks to examine the effects of manpower development and utilization in indigenous business organizations.


1.      To determine whether manpower development and utilization has any effects on indigenous business organizations.

2.      To determine the extent of the effect on indigenous business organizations.

3.      To find out if workers take development courses

4.      Are the workers utilized after such courses.


1.      Does manpower development and utilization have any effects on indigenous business organizations?

2.      What is the extent the effect on indigenous business organizations?

3.      Do workers take development courses?

4.      Are the workers utilized after taking such courses?


This study will be significant to other researchers who want to delve deeper or broaden the scope of this study. This study will be helpful to indigenous business organizations in creating awareness on the importance of manpower development and utilization especially in this contemporary era.


This study deals with the problems facing indigenous organizations in the aspect of manpower; its development and utilization.  The study covers indigenous business firms only in Asaba, Delta  State.


During the course of this study, the only limitation faced by the researcher was that of funds.


1.      MANPOWER: Craftsmen or other skills which are employed in creating, designing and operating productive and service organizations or other economic institutions.

2.      DEVELOPMENT: The gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced and enhanced

3.      UTILIZATION: The extent to which the capacities and skills are being used effectively.

INDIGENOUS ORGANIZATIONS: These are organizations whose ownership and control rests fully on the natives of the country in which they operate.



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