Accounting Project Topics

The Challenges of Auditing in a Computer Environment

The Challenges of Auditing in a Computer Environment


Abstract of The Challenges of Auditing in a Computer Environment

For any organization to function effectively and efficiently to achieve its desired goals and objectives, such an organization must have an efficient way of managing her daily operations, (Financial, Admin etc.). it is therefore a major corporate responsibility of the management to provide adequate measures which will facilitate the achievement of their set goals. This research work is aimed at determining the effect of audit in a computer environment. To buttress this point, Nigeria Mobile Telecommunication Limited (MTEL) Kaduna, is used as a case study. The auditing variables researched upon include financial and non  – financial variables. A sample size of 4 employees was drawn out of a research population of 37 members of staffs composed of managerial and non-managerial staff to answer the question in the question in the questionnaire administered to them. Also personal interview was conducted to supplement the information obtained from the questionnaires. However, in the course of the research, one hypothesis was used, “Computer Audit facilitate/enhance audit work,†the alternate hypothesis was accepted, while the null hypothesis was rejected, based on the data collected through the questionnaires administered and the proof of hypothesis. Based on the data collected and analyzed, the summarized fact were discovered that, the organization is aware of the positive effect of computer on the entire organization, yet computer audit in the account department are not still appreciated. Finally, I the researcher, recommend that the organization should not just know that computer audit facilitates/enhance audit work, but also adhere and apply it. When this is done it will enhance and facilitate accountability, gen1erally in the organization.



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