Factors Affecting Attitude to Work of Secondary School Teachers in Ogbaru Local Gourmet Area of Anambra State
Content Structure of Factors Affecting Attitude to Work of Secondary School Teachers in Ogbaru Local Gourmet Area of Anambra State
- The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
- Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
- Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
- Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
- Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
- Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
- References: The references are in APA
- Questionnaire.
Abstract of Factors Affecting Attitude to Work of Secondary School Teachers in Ogbaru Local Gourmet Area of Anambra State
This research work was carried out in urban and rural areas of Ogbrau Local Government Area of Anambra State to find out factors affecting attitude to work of secondary school teachers.
The questionnaire was the instrument used in obtaining data for answering the research questions.
Some of the factors associated with the problem have been fully identified and analyzed in this work among which is inadequate teaching materials in our secondary school.
Some recommendations have also been put forward to save our secondary education from total collapse.
It is therefore hoped that readers will find this work very useful and interesting.
Chapter One of Factors Affecting Attitude to Work of Secondary School Teachers in Ogbaru Local Gourmet Area of Anambra State
Teachers occupy a every important position in the educational system of any country because it is upon their number, quality, devotion to study that system depends.
Teachers have many roles to play for effective teaching and learning in our school. They are supposed to be representatives of the community and as well as academic specialist. Therefore, how a teacher goes about his/her duties and obligation in achieving the aims of the school sis regarded as the teachersโ roles.
A teacher is seen as an embodiment of knowledge.
He / she has complete authority in the classroom and his/ her role demands that he/she exercise maturity and sense of responsibility in using his/ her freedom he is expected to pay attention to individual problems of the children under his/ her care and maintain measurable discipline in the class.
Teachers prepare reports, distribute and care for teaching materials and other equipments. The importance and benefit of giving parents a complete and detailed progress repent on their children can hardly be over stressed
In social functions, the teachers are regarded as having wisdom. They are regarded as leaders, advisers or consultants. The community therefore expects teachers to help in fulfilling its aspiration.
However, the search for material wealth and get rich quick attitude, appears to have set aside the age long traditional attitude of hard work and devotion to duty which teachers are formerly known. Selfishness and inordinate ambition have now become the order of the day.
Many teachers do not accept best attitude to work to enable them.
Teachers have little or no interest in their jobs and are not dedicated to their work any more. This deteriorating trend in all work of human life is observed more in urban areas where the degree of sophistication seems to dedicate the evil pace.
Shagari (1982) observed that the attitude of Nigeria to work is the worst in the world and that if only every Nigerian is prepared to do an honest days work for an honest dayโs pay, Nigeria would achieve wonders in every sphere of human endeavour.
Teaching which every body recognizes as a noble profession since ages, has been the talk of the town, the average man in the street presently laments over apparent fall in standard of education in the our society which they usually attribute to the teachers attitude to work. because to poor attitude to work by teachers the standard of education is falling daily. Some honest Nigerians are restive about this development. For this reason, one is tempted to believe that teachers attitude to work needs re-appraisal.
The researcher therefore will investigate factors affecting attitude to work by secondary school teachers in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State and to find out solution if any to the identified problems.
Students are being prepared to be leaders of tomorrow and if this great nation intends to have good leaders in future, teachers in our secondary school should be consistent in discharging their duties. They should be zealous and dedicated in their teaching endeavor.
Secondary school is the second pivot upon which other levels of education rest. This is why the teachersโ good attitude to work is necessary students discipline, punctuality and orderliness are poor where teachers do not do their work as expected.
The study therefore, is an attempt to find out factors affecting attitude to work of secondary school teachers in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State.
- To identify factors affecting attitude to work of secondary school teachers in urban area.
- Specifically to find out factors affecting attitude to work of secondary school teachers in rural area.
- To find out common factors affecting attitude to work of secondary school teachers in rural and urban areas of Ogbaru Local Government Area.
This study will bring to light the reasons for total lack of interest, commitment and dedication to work by teachers.
By so doing, the erosion of confidence and disturbing all of standard of education will be checked.
On the government side, irregular payment of salaries and total lack of commitment to solve the problems of teachers and the student will be checked. Motivation of teachers and introduction of in service training programme by government for incompetent teachers will help them to grow and enhance the standard quality of their performance in the school and classroom if this is achieved by government, it would not be too long for the falling standard of education and serious erosion of confidence by the society about present day education be reversed.
This study will cover factors affecting attitude to work of secondary school teachers in Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State.
It will be based mostly on identifying actually the various attitudes of teachers of secondary schools in Ogbaru towards carrying out their duties.
The following research questions where formulated for this study
- What are the factors affecting attitude to work of secondary school teachers in urban areas?
- What are the factors affecting attitude to work of secondary school teacher in rural area of Ogbaru?
- What are the common factors that affect attitude to work of secondary school teachers in urban and rural areas of Ogbaru such as economic social, religions and political factors?