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Evaluation of Disciplinary Process and Implication for Secondary School Administration (a Case Study of Ojo Local Educational District of Lagos State)

Evaluation of Disciplinary Process and Implication for Secondary School Administration (a Case Study of Ojo Local Educational District of Lagos State)


Evaluation of Disciplinary Process and Implication for Secondary School Administration (a Case Study of Ojo Local Educational District of Lagos State)

Content Structure of Evaluation of Disciplinary Process and Implication for Secondary School Administration (a Case Study of Ojo Local Educational District of Lagos State)

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire.


Abstract of Evaluation of Disciplinary Process and Implication for Secondary School Administration (a Case Study of Ojo Local Educational District of Lagos State)

This research is on the โ€œEvaluation of Disciplinary Process and Implication for Secondary School Administrationโ€ with reference to Ojo Local Educational District of Lagos State.

This research employed 80 student in 4 Secondary School, Ojo Local Educational District were used for the collection of data and the data were analyzed by simple percentage 


Findings reviewed that disciplining our students are not without its challenges and if school administration is corrupt the students will also be corrupt.

Based on these findings, it could therefore be stated that derogatory and humiliating words such as dunce, idiot and the like which generally touch on human dignity should be discouraged by the school administrator. Also punishments that border on prolonged torture, threats and retribution should be avoided.



Title Page                                                                                 I

Certification                                                                                      Ii

Dedication                                                                               Iii

Acknowledgement                                                                    Iv

Abstract                                                                                   V

Table of Content                                                                  Vi-Vii


1.1        Background to the Study                                               1

1.2     Purpose of the Study                                                     2

1.3     Statement of the Study                                                  3

1.4     Research Questions                                                        4

1.5     Significance of the Study                                               5

1.7     Scope of the Study                                                         6

1.8     Definition and Clarification of Terms                             6 


2.1     Revolution of Discipline                                                  8

2.2     Students Discipline in Botswana Schools                      13

2.3     Rules and Regulations on Discipline in Botswana         13

2.4     Application of Corporal Punishment by Teacher to

Studentsโ€™ Indiscipline                                                     15

2.5     The Impact of School Discipline on Teachers Jobs         18

2.6      To Improve Disciplinary Process in 0j0 Local

Education District                                                          20


3.1     Research Design                                                            25

3.2     Method of Data Collection                                              25

3.3     Area of the Study                                                           26

3.4     Population of the Study                                                  26

3.5     Sample Size and Techniques                                          27

3.6     Sample Procedure                                                           29

3.7     Validity and Reliability of the Researcher Instrument    29

3.8     Data Collection Plan                                                      29

3.9     Data Analysis Techniques                                              30


4.1 Introduction                                                                      31

4.2 Finding and Analysis of Data                                             31

4.3 Test of the Research Hypothesis                                        32


5.1     Summary                                                                       41

5.2     Conclusion                                                                     41

5.3     Recommendation                                                          42


Chapter One of Evaluation of Disciplinary Process and Implication for Secondary School Administration (a Case Study of Ojo Local Educational District of Lagos State)



Child discipline is as old as the existence of mankind. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve transgressed Gods law and disciplinary action was taken against them.

Thereafter discipline became an integral part of human growth and development, hence the proverb โ€œspare the rod and spoil the childโ€. In fact the Bible construes the spearing of the rod as an open act of child neglect and hate, parents therefore are expected to correct or discipline their children. This means that discipline deals with good behaviour and every society wants its children to get proper socialization.

In the recent past there has been an increase in public attention to the problems of discipline in the country in general and in the secondary school system in particular. It is quite obvious that this disgraceful and unfortunate incident to happen pretty often nowadays in our secondary schools of learning for instance, a principal of a secondary school could be chased out of his own house with sticks, stones and cutlasses by his own student. This sounds pathetic as it is ridiculous. Rules and regulations are no longer obeyed in our secondary schools. It therefore follows that the students do not ant to obey their teachers and principal and consequently take laws into their hands.

Discipline involves self-control, restraints respect for self and respect for others. The disciplined person is guided in his behaviour, moral and social principles and does what is right and good because he believes that such behaviour is better than actions which ban harm other people.


The Purpose of this study therefore is to:

a)            Examine the disciplinary approaches on secondary school students in Ojo Local Educational District.

b)    Determine whether the disciplinary processes/strategies has in any way affects the school administration in Ojo district.

c)             Identify the method of change in disciplinary strategies over the years.

d)            Aim at identifying the challenges confronting teachers experiences with regards to the implementation of the student discipline regulation.

e)             Provide suggestions and recommendations to the school administrators and how to improve discipline in Ojo secondary schools.


This study sought to investigate the effect disciplinary procedures in Ojo secondary school administration.

It is obvious that students are priceless assets and most essential elements in education. It is absolutely necessary to direct students to exhibit acceptable attitude and behaviour within and outside the school. In an attempt to achieve an organized and peaceful school environment and maintain law and order, school managements specifies rules and regulations to guide the activities of members of the educational organization.

In Ojo where discipline is a serious problem, for example, where students bully others. Parents of these students, transfers their children to โ€˜betterโ€™ schools outside the district, and because according to Rigdy (2000) the well behaved usually perform well so their transfer can affect the overall performance of that school. Some troublesome students sometimes make teachers react emotionally to the extent of using punishment which according to McManus (1995) does not discourage mis-behaviour but rather reinforces the students view of adult as treacherousโ€.


This study was designed to address the following research question:

a)             What are the disciplinary approaches on students of Ojo secondary schools?

b)            What is the relationship between students discipline and school administration?

c)             What are the challenges confronting teachers experience with regards to the implementation of the students discipline regulation?

d)            How prevalence its effect on Ojo local district school administration?

e)             What factors contribute to studentsโ€™ mis-behaviour in Ojo local education district?

H1:   There is no significant difference between students discipline and Ojo school administration

H2:   There is no significant relationship between non-conducive environment and discipline approaches in Ojo local education district.

H3:   There is no significant relationship between disciplinary approaches and the standard of education in Ojo local education district.

H4:   There is no significant relationship between corruption on the part of the school administrations and disciplinary strategies in Ojo local education district.


It is hoped that at the end of this study the findings will:

  1. Help the secondary school administrators know on how best to administer disciplinary strategies on students.
  2. Help the students to be more committed to their academic work, happy and useful to the society.
  3. Help parents to know that a child is brought into this world so that the society may create or mould him/her accordingly to fit well into the existing way of life.
  4. Help the secondary school administrators evaluate the proposed rule necessary for the orderly and effective operation of the school.
  5. Serve as a reference material for future and todayโ€™s researchers who may be interested in a similar study.


This research, while not pretending to provide all the answers to the evaluation of Disciplinary processes and its implication for secondary school administration.

This research work is limited in scope to randomly selected students, teachers and parents in Ojo local education district.


Evaluation:-    This means finding out or deciding the value of something.

Discipline:       It involves training the mind and character to produce self control.

Disciplinary Process:-     This involves the cause of enforcing discipline.

Implication:-        This is a possible effect or result of an action.

School Administration:- Process through which policies related to educational objectives are executed and achieved.

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