Education Project Topics

Computer Literacy Among Students and Teachers: a Survey of Schools in Ethiope East Local Government Area

Computer Literacy Among Students and Teachers a Survey of Schools in Ethiope East Local Government Area


Computer Literacy Among Students and Teachers: a Survey of Schools in Ethiope East Local Government Area

Content Structure of Computer Literacy Among Students and Teachers: a Survey of Schools in Ethiope East Local Government Area

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire.


Abstract of Computer Literacy Among Students and Teachers: a Survey of Schools in Ethiope East Local Government Area

The study examines computer literacy among students and teachers; a survey of schools in Ethiope East Local Government Area. Computer literacy is the knowledge and ability to efficiently use computer. It can be also referred to as the comfort level someone can use the computer and its application in solving specific problem as it relates to education. It involved being able to operate the computer efficiently without an aid and manipulate the software associated with it. The study used the descriptive survey designed. Furthermore, the researcher used the survey design through the administration of questionnaire to the respondents on computer literacy of teachers and students in secondary school. The sample size of the targeted population by the researcher is limited to a manageable size of one hundred and twenty (120) students and teachers (respondents) from the secondary schools in Ethiope East Local Government. The sampling technique adopted is the simple systematic simple random sampling due to the population. Sixty (60) students and teachers form the sample simple size respectively. The research questions were answered using the simple percentage and the number of response, divided by the total number of possible responses, multiply by one hundred. The study concluded that the level of computer literate in secondary schools in Ethiope East is poor as both the students and the teachers have not gained much knowledge about computer or have little or practical knowledge of computer and here is established truth from the findings that computer literacy influence teachersโ€™ effectiveness in secondary schools in Ethiope East as it enhances the method of teaching and teachers likeable by the students. The study recommended that government should do assessment of secondary schools without computer for computer knowledge acquisition. This will help the government through ministry of education provide computer system to both teachers and students.Government should ensure that public secondary schools teachers are trained with the knowledge of computer so that they can be effective in their teaching.



Chapter One of  Computer Literacy Among Students and Teachers: a Survey of Schools in Ethiope East Local Government Area


Background to the study

Computer was introduced in the 19thy century by an English Mathematic professor, Charles. Babbage. He sleighed the Analytical engine and it was this design that formed the basic framework of the computers of today. Computers can be classified into three generations.Each generation lasted for a certain period of time and each gave either a new and improved computer or an improvement to the existing computer, (Beverly, 2006).

As a result of the various improvements to the development of the computer we have seen the computer being used in all areas of life especially in education. It is a very useful too that will continue to experience new development as time passes.

Essentially, computer is a programmable machine that manipulates data according to the list of instructions. It is a device which helps human in performing various kinds of computation or calculations. The time principles of or characteristics of computer are: it respond to specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner. It can excite a pre-recorded list of instructions and quickly store and network large amount of data.     

Today, computer is most sort for machine in the world. This is as a result of its versatility. It was invented to present calculation solution but as timely improvement occurs, it is being used in various trend of human endeavor. According to Anene,Ikerionwu and Danladi (2013), computer technology is important and essential for the survival of a nation. Education and advanced technology are important variables in the development of education sector. Technological age will engulf education in the global world. According to Beverly (2006)The national Policy in education of Nigeria recognizes the prominent role of information Communication technologies of which computer is the device use to drive literacy in schools.

Oladimjoye and Benwari (2014), with the emergence of information Communication Technologies (ICTS) computers have become an essential tool necessary for the effective implementation of all ICT program students in secondary schools. Including teachers are supposed to have sound knowledge of computer appreciation to be able to cope with the modern world. According to Beverly (2006), Progpect of secondary school education in Nigeria in the near future relies on these educational technologies. Technology enhanced learning, including assistance and online instruction, is recognized as a viable tool necessary for preparing citizens to participate in the technological human global environment in recent time:

Padmavathi (2013) explained that the growth of information and communication technology (ICT) brought in rapid charges in education; it had also made entry into school education because of its appropriate, applicability and versatility in use for class teaching. It is well recognized that ICT has great potential for improving the teaching nature to motivate students to learn.

Educationist and teachers believe that with the help of ICT will improve quality of educationamong the stdents.Oladunjoye (2014) observed that in Nigeria, Computer technology has become so important that student who do not have access to computers and internet were likely to get further behind their peer whole did have such access. It is becoming imperative that students should be equipped with digital literacy competencies to be able function effectively in the changing world.

The Implementation of computer usage in secondary schools is what draw the concern of educational stakeholders. The efficiency of computer in school depends on the competency of teachers. This also influences the competence of the students. The level of knowledge and skill is measure by computer literacy. According to Idowu (2004), the concept of computer literacy can best be explained as the ability to make use of computer system to world process document, analyzed data, develop. Small computer programmes, browse internet and install software.

Computer literacy is the knowledge and ability to efficiently use computer. It can be also referred to as the comfort level someone can use the computer and its application in solving specific problem as it relates to education. It involved being able to operate the computerefficiently without an aid and manipulate the software associated with it. Terry 2004, Nwafor (2015). According to Mitra (2008), computer literacy as the amount of computer knowledge acquired and the length of computer usage BydandGessard (2004), conceived that computer literacy based on the amount of the time spent on the computer, ownership of computer and number of computer relates course taken but Francis and Kay (2003) explained that computer literacy is concerned with computer experience and use, programming knowledge and ability to use software.

Hali (2005) classified computer literacy according to the type of users. The emergent user, the progressive emer4gent user is characterized by having access to computers at home and at work, such a user has access to and know how to use word processing e-mail, web, and download information to computer disk. The progressive users are those who are ready to whatever it takes for them to have the knowledge of computer. They spend their time and money to learn more about the technology. The high users are those who use the computer technology effective, they are known how it works and how it can be manipulated. The dependent users on the other hand, are those who donโ€™t know anything about computer and not making attempt to learn it. They depend on those who know much about computer to help them out in case they need something to do on computer.

The above categories cover the teachers and students in Ethiope East secondary schools. According to Anene, Ikemoonw and Danladi (293) defined teachers as a person who provides education for student. Effective teacher is expected to know how to use variety of media in their lesson. In this 21st century, generation, the studies areborn in digital age and they are well exposed and aware of technological advance more than older generation. It in a must that teachers acquire basic computer skill in order to be in turn with present educational circumstances according to Anderson and Weert (2002), there is need for educational policy makers and educational administrators to design and reconstruct the educational system on the new educationalparadigms. So that both teacher and students develop necessary knowledge and skill in this digital age. Most countries around the world. Focusing on approaches to integrate ICT in learning and teaching to improve the quality of education by emphasizing competences such as critical, decision making and handling of dynamic situations, working as a member of a team  and communication effectively.

Statement of the Problem

Even though computer science and technology is a relatively new phenomenon in Nigeria, the use of computers is reflected in many areas of human activities, such as medicine, domestic activities, engineering, architecture, and education. It is imperative to note that the use of computers is reflected in the secondary school programs, (Ogundele and Edejere, 2013).

However, computer science and technology in the educational sector calls for all the stakeholders in education to be computer literate, if the schools are to cope with the challenges in the society. For the schools to be effective, computer literacy should be demonstrated through computer availability, computer utilization, and content competencies in the schools, as well as through teachersโ€™ effectiveness in the areas of record keeping, supporting student academic performance, teachers job performance, school discipline, and community services.

This study seeks to investigate the level, influence of teachers effectiveness in teaching, identify issues and prospect of computer literacy in secondary schools in Ethiope East.

purpose of the Study

The objectives of the study are:

  1. To determine the level of computer literacy skills among secondary schoolโ€™s students and teachersin Ethiope East local government area
  2. To determine the level of computer literacy skills among secondary schoolโ€™s students and students in Ethiope East local government area
  3. To examine the influence of computer literacy skill among secondary school effectiveness in EthiopeEast local government area.
  4.  To proffering useful suggestions for the amelioration of those problems identified in secondary school in Ethiope East local government area.

Research Questions

The study is guided by the following research questions:

  1. What is the level of computer literacy skills among secondary schoolโ€™s students and teachers in Ethiope East local government area?
  2. What is the level of computer literacy skills among secondary schoolโ€™s students and students in Ethiope East local government area?
  3. What is the influence of computer literacy skill among secondary school effectiveness in Ethiope East local government area?
  4. What are the useful suggestions for the amelioration of those problems identified in secondary school in Ethiope East local government area?

Significance of the Study

The study focused on the examining the level of computer literacy among secondary school teachers and students in Ethiope East. The important of the study is to highlight the use of computer system by teachers and students in secondary school. The followings will benefit from the research

  • Teachers: The result from the findings will help teachers in secondary schools in Ethiope East to understand the usefulness of computer literacy and make out strategies to ensure that there are compliant. The knowledge of computer will help the teachers to be more effective and efficient in their daily routine as school teachers.
  • Students: Students stand a great chance to have computer literacy from early age so that they can be employable as soon as they are through with use since computer literacy is becoming a pre-requisite in gaining employment.
  • Educational Authority: From this study, educational authorities will be able to understand the issues that affect computer literacy in rural areas and map out educational and curriculum policies to ensure that students are well taught about computer appreciation.

Scope of the Study

The scope of this study covers conceptual, geographical and periodical dimensions for conceptual scope, the study seek to examine computer literacy among teachers and students in secondary school. The geographical scope is base on secondary schools in Ethiope East, Delta State. The period of the study covers one year. That is from2017/2018 academic session.

Definition of Terms

Computer: Computer is a programmable device that helps to complete mathematical task, information processing, storage and retrieval of information for academic purposes.

Literacy: This is the ability to read and write in a particular language or able to use a devices effectively with little or no supervision from supervisor.

Teachers: Teachers are school base instructors that guide and teach students to understand school curriculum through learning and studying.

Students: Students are the beneficiary of learning situation in the school system. They are within the age of 10 to 18 years.

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