Education Project Topics

An Investigation Into the Influence of Effective Educational Planning on Teachers Job Performance





Education has always been seen as the most important factor in determining economic growth and development in Nigeria, as well as in a large number of other developing nations. The government of Nigeria is of the opinion that improving the standard of education is the most important thing that can be done to ensure the country’s continued success in the global economy. The necessity of research in educational planning is brought on by the fact that the education sector is quickly developing into one that is rather difficult to manage. As a result, the sector is currently confronted with a large number of complex problems that originate from a variety of sources, including the students, the educators and authorities both inside and outside of the classroom, as well as the micro and macro environments. According to Borg and Gall (2017), educational research has gotten much more complicated and sophisticated over the last few of years. This has enabled academics to make more useful contributions to educational practice. Education is one of the most important tools for emancipating mankind, which is why every society invests a significant amount of resources into it. This is done to ensure that every generation is able to acquire the necessary abilities, information, and desired attitudes that are essential for future survival. However, because of its importance, the degree to which education is assessed is heavily dependent on test results; however, academic accomplishment also correlates to the job performance of instructors.

In light of this fact, investments in human capital have a vital role in closing the performance disparities between different groups of pupils. Human capital, which may be developed via ongoing education, is the single most important resource a company can have. It is recommended that frequent training be promoted in order to reinvigorate the employees’ enthusiasm in properly carrying out their jobs. This is because regular training inspires individual workers to become devoted to the values of the business (Ombuya, 2015). The countries of the industrialized world have come to recognize the priceless value that education brings to the process of nation-building. An eloquent testimony to this acceptance is the suggestion that the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) made in 1966 about the position of teachers. In this regard, Ogundele (2000) made the observation that no nation rises above the level of its education, that no educational system outgrows the quality and status of its teachers, and that no nation can afford to pay lip service to the education of its people. Ogundele made these observations in light of the fact that no nation rises above the level of its education. Any country that fails to recognize the significance of education does so at the risk of putting itself in jeopardy. This remark is an effort to rectify the mistaken perception that instructors will be rewarded in paradise. This assertion is backed up by the National Policy on Education of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which can be found in section 9 number 59.

According to FRN (2004), we will continue to place a significant priority in all of our educational planning on the professional development of our teachers since there is no educational system that can excel beyond the quality of its instructors. Additionally, it was said in this part that all of our educators, from preschool instructors to university professors, would get training. Through the agency of the teachers, the school has the potential to improve society; but, in order for this to happen, society must first give the teacher more authority and improve the environment of the school.

It is clear that welfare programs have a significant impact on the overall work performance of educators in every region of the globe. According to the hypothesis put forward by Locke and Latham (2014), a pleased worker will create more, and they utilize this premise as the foundation for connecting motivation, job satisfaction, and job performance. In order for a company to realize its objectives, one of its most pressing concerns must be how to inspire and encourage its workforce. In the same way that employees in other firms do, educators need the refreshed energy that comes from feeling motivated. According to the findings of observations, it seems that instructors have a tendency to perform effectively when given a favorable working atmosphere. If the working environment is adequately adjusted to the pleasure of a workerโ€”which does not necessarily need more payโ€”one becomes motivated, and as a result, productivity increases. To accomplish organizational goals, it is essential to have a staff that is both motivated and competent in order to boost organizational efficiency and improve the overall quality of organizational services. The problem and conundrum that many managers are faced with is the question of how to generate motivation of this kind (Dieleman, 2016). Even those who have the requisite information, skills, and talents will perform badly if they are not motivated to commit their time and effort to the task if they are not driven to do so. This is why motivation is so important (Milapo, 2018). Therefore, it is necessary to investigate whether or not efficient educational planning has an impact on how well instructors do their jobs.


STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 

Despite the fact that factors such as manageable class sizes, adequate student and classroom space, and appropriate class utilization rates are what ultimately determine the productivity of teachers and the students’ academic performance, the education systems in the majority of third world countries do not receive adequate funding. This allows the systems in those countries to have manageable class sizes (Dieleman, 2016). As a result, the purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which class factors such as class size, student, classroom space, and classroom utilization rate as well as the motivation of teachers determined the academic performance of secondary school teachers in Lagos Island Local Government. The issues with school buildings as a factor in determining the effectiveness of teachers may be summed up in this succinct manner. It is generally agreed that the secondary school curriculum does not live up to expectations. It is impossible to separate the issue at hand from the actions of the instructor. If the morale of the instructors was not raised, it would lead to careless attitudes about their output. Unproductive teachers will rear up students who are undisciplined, lack good morals (affective), and are academically unsound. These students would not be able to use their manipulative skills to develop themselves and the nation as a whole (psychomotor). All of these problems will make the future of our youths and the nation as a whole bleak and without hope. Therefore, this study will investigateย  the influence of effective educational planning on teachers job performance


The general objective of the study is to investigate the influence of effective educational planning on teachers job performance. Hence, this study is also aimed at:

i.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  To examine how effective educational planning strategies affects teachers job performance.

ii.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  To find out if teachersโ€™ on-the-job training relates to their job performance

iii.ย ย ย ย ย  To investigate if instructional planning strategies influences teachers job performance

iv.ย ย ย ย ย ย To assess teachersโ€™ involvement in decision making relates to their work performance.


The following research questions were raised during the course of this work. They are:

i.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Does ย effective educational planning strategies affects teachers job performance?

ii.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Doesย  teachersโ€™ on-the-job training relates to their job performance?

iii.ย ย ย ย ย  Does ย instructional planning strategies influences teachers job performance?

iv.ย ย ย ย ย ย Does teachersโ€™ involvement in decision making relates to their work performance?


This study is significant as it will provide information on the importance of an idea school environment that will enhance effective teaching and learning. The study will throw more light on the need for teachers to develop positive attitude that will enhance maximum productivity.

This work will be very useful to students, researchers, teachers and the policy maker in the education sector.

The study will be significant to the academic community as it will contribute to the existing literature.


This study will examine how effective educational planning strategies affects teachers job performance. The study will also find out if teachersโ€™ on-the-job training relates to their work performance. The study will further investigate if instructional planning strategies influences teachers job performance. Finally, the study will assess teachersโ€™ involvement in decision making relates to their work performance. Hence this study is delimited to Ogun state


Like in every human endeavour, the researchers encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. Insufficient funds tend to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature, or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire, and interview),ย which is why the researcher resorted to a moderate choice of sample size. More so,ย the researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.


Educational Planing:ย the identification, development, and implementation of strategies designed to attain, efficiently and effectively, the educational needs and goals of students and society.

Job performance:relates to the act of doing a job



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