Business Administration Project Topics

An Examination of Entrepreneurial Qualification and Its Impact on Organizational Productivity (a Case Study of Some Selected Sme’s in Delta State)




Background of the study

Entrepreneurship has been researched by academics in a variety of fields, including psychology, anthropology, and sociology (Gartner, 1988), as well as management. The study of individual attributes has gradually given way to the characteristics of the entrepreneurial organization in entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurial acts are increasingly seen as key paths to competitive advantage and enhanced performance in businesses of all sorts, sizes, and ages as the twenty-first century progresses (Brown, Davidsson, and Wiklund, 2001). Organizations that learn to promote entrepreneurship in its different forms are more competitive and perform better than those that do not, according to evidence (Zahra & Covin, 1999). Some even argue that failure will arise from a lack of emphasis on effectively performing entrepreneurial initiatives in today’s fast-paced and complicated environment (Zahra, 1999). The expansion of knowledge and technology-intensive employment and sectors, investment in knowledge-based assets, and an increase in educated and well-qualified labor forces are three major shifts in the way economies function and how organizations within them operate. The rising demand for high-value-added goods and services from more sophisticated, diversified, and demanding clients is the key driver (Brinckerhoff, 2000). In this context, public service reform looks to be a key concern in many nations, especially emerging ones. The government must maintain public sector efficiency and effectiveness while increasing citizen accountability. As a result, administrative methods and managerial leaders who contribute new elements and dimensions to public sector management are urgently needed to promote growth and democracy. However, in most developing nations, poor public sector performance is commonly documented. As a result, entrepreneurship is promoted as a solution to the issue (Franz, 2002). As a result, “entrepreneurial government” is gaining traction, in which public officials must be creative in order to improve government performance, particularly in developing nations.

Statement of the problem

In the macroeconomic production function, entrepreneurship has been classified as the fourth production factor. It is, in reality, the component that produces wealth by combining existing production factors in novel ways (Stevenson, 1994). Entrepreneurship encourages change and innovation, which leads to increased performance, productivity, and economic competitiveness. Entrepreneurship is even more vital to developing nations attempting to achieve competitiveness in international markets, as it is a fundamental component in ensuring and maintaining competitiveness in developed countries (United Nations, 2004). Furthermore, the entrepreneurial mindset should not be restricted to the private sector, since governmental institutions work with limited resources and must find innovative ways to continue providing products and services in order to improve performance and meet growing citizen expectations. In this aspect, public-sector organizations need the same level of entrepreneurial and inventive thinking as private-sector organizations, if not more. ” Public sector reform has become a worldwide demand and phenomena in recent years, in reaction to significant public challenges in several fields, as well as economic, structural, and ideological changes, as well as criticisms of ineffective and expensive administrations. Many developing nations are now making the move away from more centralized economic frameworks and undertaking organizational reforms in order to support successful entrepreneurship.

 Objective of the study

The primary objective of the study is as follows

1.        To evaluate if there is need for educational qualification for  one to be an entrepreneur.


2.        To examine the relationship between  entrepreneurial  skill and  organizational performance .

3.        To find out relationship between entrepreneurship and organizational performance.

4.        To examine the strategies that can be used to improve educational qualification in other for organizational performance.

 Research Questions

The following questions have been prepared for the study

1)        Is there a need for educational qualification for  one to be an entrepreneur?

2)        Is there a relationship between  entrepreneur skill and  organizational performance ?

3)        Is there a  relationship between entrepreneurship and organizational performance?

4)        What are  the strategies that can be used to improve educational qualification in other for organizational performance?

Significance of the study

This study will focus on entrepreneurial qualification and its impact on organizational  productivity. Hence this study will be significant to both private and public organization as it will see the need to encourage intending entrepreneurs on getting an education in other to enjoy a successful entrepreneurial success.

This study will be delimited to the academic community as it will contribute to the existing literature.

 Scope of the study

This study will evaluate if there is need for educational qualification for  one to be an entrepreneur. The study will also examine the relationship between educational qualification of an entrepreneur and  organizational performance. the study will further find out relationship between entrepreneurship and organizational performance. Lastly, the study will examine the strategies that can be used to improve educational qualification in other for organizational performance. Hence this study is delimited some selected Sme’S In Delta State.

 Limitation of the study

for the researcher.This study was constrained by a number of factors which are as follows:

just like any other research, ranging from unavailability of needed accurate materials on the topic under study, inability to get data

Financial constraint , was faced by  the researcher ,in getting relevant materials  and  in printing and collation of questionnaires

Time factor: time factor pose another constraint since having to shuttle between writing of the research and also engaging in other academic work making it uneasy

Definition of terms

Entrepreneurial qualification: the knowledge, skill or capacity that makes a person suitable to take on a certain role

Organizational productivity:  the capacity of an organization, institution, or business to produce desired results with a minimum expenditure of energy



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